Violent place, this state, this land, this Delaware.
Despite this little beach community in southern DE resembling something along the lines of Santa Cruz in California (The Lost Boys setting) complete with nausiatingly cutsey-wootsie shop names like
- The Purple Parrot
- Bad Hair Day?
- Trinkets (with quotes and erroneous apostrophe inclus.)
- Catchers
- The Mustard Seed (a bible shop the t of Mustard being a cross.)
- Happy Harrys Discount Drugs
- Crab Barn
- Comtemporary Stuff
and despite the preposterous number of families with their screaming spawn running loose and despite the profligation of gay nightclubs from which throbs the ubiquitous and totally uninspired Dance, Dance, Faggit, Faggit! beat of
I guess its called music? and despite candy shops, Hallmark shops, clean streets, tic-tac housing units and a notable lack of anything but white people, this place is still violent.
But its an intriguing violence because its good ole Mama Nature who takes her subtle revenge against such cutsey-wootsiness.
The Marquis has been trying to languish pulchritudinously on the beach in his ultra-über-skimpy leopard print bathing utensil (send $5 for the photo you depraved pervs) while trying to erase his tan lines, and that bitch Mama Nature has been sending her barrage of asentient soldiers upon him.
Jellyfish a foot in diametre that squoosh their way past you as you splish about in the waves. Little crablets that hide under the sand begging to be stepped upon then pinching with surprising force when you oblige them. Biting horseflies that remove small patches of skin from one's anatomy. And innocuous yet still-really-creepy-lookin dragonflies that just
If life were literature, one could have fortold the fury and psychosis of Rehoboth Beach merely by reading the foreshadowing signs on the 100 mile drive from Philadelphia. Here are some exits off the highway on your merry way to Rehoboth
- Slaughter Beach
- Killen Pond
- Slaughter Neck
- Broadkill Beach
- Henlopen Acres
Okay, the last isnt too ominous but its one of those words that once its out of your mouth, its stuck in your head for the next week. I want to use it in every sentence.
SOME PERSON: Hey Marquis, wassup? Where ya goin?
MARQUIS: Henlopen Acres.
SOME PERSON: Oh yah? Wheres that?
MARQUIS: Henlopen Acres.
SOME PERSON: Why are there bits of flesh missing from your body?
MARQUIS: Henlopen Acres.
SOME PERSON: Wow. That didnt make much sense.
MARQUIS: Henlopen Acres.
SOME PERSON: Okay, I go away now.
Try it and see if you dont get hooked.
Anyway, Im pleased about the preying animal life and poisonous fauna because, although aggravating to me personally, it gives me great joy to see small children stung, bitten, poisoned and drowned.
Okay, not really.
Theyre so noisy when it happens, after all.