The Marquis’Intimate Diary

Hi. Been in N’awlins for a day now. It’s weird. I’m “home” and all — went out last night and saw Patti and all the other Quarter Rats in all the familiar places along Decatur and elsewhere.

But it’s surreal. I don’t really feel like I’m here. Dreamlike.

My mind is absolutely boggled by the tasks that lie ahead of me — so much to be done before I can begin this new, strange chapter in my life.

I’m technically homeless at the moment. House in Philly taken over by the Gentleman Caller (thank you!) and I’m staying (very comfortably) at the wonderful château de Dr. K__ here in NOLA.

But I am still homeless and that makes for a weird feeling. I also lack any sort of income just at the moment, though I have an interview at Trik’s company tomorrow afternoon, huzzah.

What I dread most of all is, after finding what I’m convinced will be a stunning house here, I must fly back up to Philly, pack a 20 foot truck with my cascading shit and make that long three day drive back down again.

Once was tolerable. Twice is going to drive me bananas!

Bananas, I tell you, bananas!

Alabama is larger than I recall.

As far as I can see,
There’s Alabama in fronna me.
When I look back to take the view,
I find there’s Alabama there too.
I get the notion to look right.
Alabama in my sight!
The other window of the car
Shows Alabama just as far.

Little thing Micha and I wrote in the car. You know.

So yah, so it’s really quite surreal being back here — for good. When people ask me, “How long y’in town for, Marquis?” and I reply, “For good,” it’s as if someone else is saying it. Another mouth, another tongue.

I have no idea what to expect here. It was two fabulous, glimmering, memorable years I spent in 97–98, but that time is over. I’m not out to recreate a moment — ‘tis a folly task, that. I am open to whatever the future may bring. But I am also dying of curiosity for it and would like whatever it is to begin right now, thank you.

My undying gratitude goes to my friends here who through their easy-going, classically southern laid-back attitude, are making it easy for me to slip back into things. And I grow weary. This will probably be the last major move I make for many, many years.

I’m sorry, this is really going nowhere, isn’t it. Cyclical thoughts arriving at no discernible destination. I’ll go away now, happy and bewildered.