The Marquis’Intimate Diary

Forty facts I betcha didn’t know about the Marquis:
  1. I only wear nail polish so I won’t bite my nails.
  2. I like the “Into the Woods” soundtrack, non-ballad country music, and Xavier Cugat.
  3. Fish smells rotten to me.
  4. When I press my eyes I see checkerboards.
  5. The smell of bananas makes vomit rise in my throat.
  6. I can go without sex for two years, though I don’t enjoy proving it.
  7. I am certain I will be struck my lightening and therefore do not carry an umbrella.
  8. It is easier for me to read music in a flat key than a sharp key, unless it’s D or G major.
  9. I wear prescription glasses, but only to drive or at the movies.
  10. I adore traveling, but when in my own city I prefer to be at home.
  11. I have pretty hands.
  12. I have a toenail that requires at-home surgery to extricate approximately every 2 months.
  13. I do not masturbate in the shower.
  14. My first away-from-home home was London.
  15. Of all the Brady’s, I relate to Jan the most.
  16. I have “commitment issues.”
  17. I sleep with a very dim light on.
  18. I seem to kick sheets to the left.
  19. I am a good tipper.
  20. I need one waking hour a day in complete, uninterrupted isolation and silence or I get crabby.
  21. For this reason, I could never live in Manhattan.
  22. The first record I ever bought was the 45 “Hot Child in the City” by Nick Gilder.
  23. I genuinely like everyone in my family.
  24. I love to re-read books, but do not like to re-read my own fiction once I consider it “finished.”
  25. I do not suffer fools lightly.
  26. I’m scared of doctors.
  27. I do not have a hang-up with growing old.
  28. I think anorexia has undesirable aesthetic effects.
  29. Advertisements invade my space and make me visibly angry.
  30. For this reason alone do I not watch TV.
  31. If I had to choose one city in the world to live in … then I would live in it.
  32. I hate dogs and dog spit burns my skin like acid. This is psychosomatic.
  33. I think white wifebeaters on men and black satin slips on women are the sexiest day- or evening-wear.
  34. I find Gothic people dull.
  35. I used to beat up my brother, but then he grew to be taller than I so I moved 3000 miles away.
  36. I think it is a delicious indulgence to miss absent friends.
  37. Flying petrifies me because boredom = death.
  38. I don’t really do any drugs with any frequency.
  39. I am envious of people who can render a recognizable face with a pencil.
  40. I make a mean spinach-onion-garlic dip.