All right, Miss Pinch needs to be set straight on something. She claims to be a tru-dork, and cites as evidence this amusing story. And while the story truly does credit to her self-professed dorkdom, there is an underlying implication throughout the piece of, Im a dork and youre not, ha-ha-ha! In short, she seems to feel shes cornered some market here. She is sorely mistaken. I hereby recruit any of my 18 readers to arms come out of the Dork Closet! Prove yourself A Dork by recounting equally dorky, or if possible, mo bettah dorkier tales of dorkiness. Trik? Porsh? Lees? Unka Bob? Les autres enfants? Yall out there? Dya hear? Heres my Testimony of Dorkiness, which also happens to be another rare anecdote that, when I care to think about it, causes me to relapse into spasms of uncontrollable laughter, much like the Dogshitboot story from the other day. CAN I HAVE A WITNESS!? Workin at Wired Magazine in San Francisco. Kallistí and I are having a converstaion. She is telling me a story. I am listening and looking at her. I notice she has an eyelash on her cheek. I lean in slowly, nodding along with her conversation, finger extended ready to brush off the eyelash. She continues talking. As my finger draws near her face, I have a total brainfart or something, and it keeps going and suddenly, <BOINK!>, I stick my finger in her eye. It was all done very slowly and thus with apparent deliberation. Kallistís conversation went something like this: And so anyway then Shannon told me that Kali had pissed on the carpet again and <BOINK!> Several seconds of silence. A lot of blinking on the part of Kallistí. Le Marquis sits in horror, finger still somewhat extended, not able to believe what he just did, nor retract the weapon. A score of emotions pass over Kallistís face: Pain, shock, sadness, horror, amusement Now whether or not this story surpasses the Dork Factor of the story of Pinch flinging her purse at perfectly innocent strangers on a train I do not know, but the point is anyone can be, and usually has been, a big ole dork at many points in their lives. So Pinch honey, if youre reading this, move ovah, bay-bee. Thar be more dorks in the sea! ![]() |
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